Sunday 7 October 2012

The brief that we received was to either recreate the trailer which is shown above shot by shot or add / cut certain shots , a given film using toys or actors to recreate the scene. The move which we received was The Godfather.

The most memorable thing about this scene for me would be the acting of the actor as his acting was outstanding and you could really empathise with him also the way the character was introduced as it was a blackout then slowly the light shown onto the actor and the use to of zooming out of his face and helped to draw attention from the audience and they could really understand what pain he has been through.

The challenges which I found with the scene and trying to recreate it would be the lighting as i would need a dark room and the correct lighting equipment to make it similar to that of the movie. Also another challenge was the setting of the scene as it need to look like a office and needed a brown table. Finally th final challenge would be the acting of the character as the actor played a really emotional father and I would need a really talented actor to pull off the role and make it convincing.

 The class was split up into groups and our group consisted of 4 people. The first thing we did for pre production was to delegate what role and responsablilties each member of the group would take , my role in the group was that I watched the scene again and wrote down the dialogue from the actor , other members of the group had to draw the storyboard , set construction, music and lighting.

The script was the dialogue that would be taken from the inspirational scene and decided
to carry on and use the same dialogue as it was very powerful and had a lot of emotion. I had to watch the inspirational scene again and write down the dialogue which would then go into our version.
The script:
 I believe in America. America has made my fortune and I have raised my daughter in American fashion. I gave her freedom BUT I taught her never to dishonour her family she found a boyfriend, not an Italian. She went to the movies with him stayed out late I didn’t protest. Two months ago he took her for a drive with another boyfriend and they made her drink whisky, and then they tried to take advantage of her but she resisted she kept her honour they beat her like a ANIMAL. When I went to the hospital her nose was broken and her jaw was sotted and held together by wire and she couldn’t even weep because of the pain but I went. She was like my life , beautiful girl now she will never be beautiful again. Sorry

The role that I played in editing was that I recorded the dialogue from the original inspirational video. This took me about 30 minutes as I had to practice and try to get the same emotion and I also had to try to put a accent on. I also helped out with editing , in choosing what scene to cut out and which scene to keep .

To recreate the "The Godfather" we took a slightly different route and decided to you a set and dolls. We used a child's wrestling toy to try to be unique but also is better as most people didnt have the acting ability to mirror that which is shown the inspiration video. The costume was made by hand and the material was paper which was coloured in black to create a image of suit.

The challenges I overcame during this task were quite alot , this is mainly due to me not taking media GCSE this is mainly when editing as i didnt know how to edit or had never used the software. I overcame this by practising and getting help from my peers. The other issue which i had was trying to get the write emotion whislt recording the dialogue which would be very similar to the inspirational video , i overcame this problem by getting feedback from my parents and friends and they told me what i had to do to ensure it was full of emotion.

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